Thursday, January 12, 2023

2023 Strada Easel Challenge - Day 12 - Tetsukyusu - Unfinished

Day 12 #stadaeasel 

Today was a very  l l o o n n g g g g day. Doctor's and helping daughter along with usual house todo's. So  the value study was all I could muster. I'm glad I did it though because I better understand the challenges I'll face when I actually get to paint it. 

Another unexpected benefit of doing the strada easel challenge is I haven't been obsessed or overly concerned about making mistakes like I use to be. I know I have to work for a couple hours (at least) and get the result posted no matter what!! 

Value Study Pastel - Unfinished - NFS
Pastel on drawing paper

It's a new Japanese teapot that I bought for myself because it is so cool. It's called a Tetsukyusu - made of cast iron and lined with enamel. The decoration is embossed and it is heavy. Inside is a removable tea infuser and I thought the trivet was a nice addition. 

Here's a photo of the set up I threw together because I was running out of time. Need more contrast when I attempt the actual painting.


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