Friday, January 09, 2015

30/30 Challenge - Ideas w/o Judgment Days 7-9

These small studies are using prussian blue as the blue on my palette. It is soooooo strong, but thought it would be worth it to have first hand experience using it.

I like transparent colors alot and Prussian blue is very much transparent. Also used Indian Yellow, and a mix of cad scarlet and permanent alizarin crimson for the three colors on my palette along with white.

I learned that while each of these is a beautiful color, the mixes are more difficult to control with the tinting strength being so different for each. Nevertheless, it was worth the exercise.

Also tried a few 'scratchy' things and props that I have not used in the past, and still limited the time worked on each painting as before - one to one and one half hours.

Day 7

Another apple day. This was done inside a dark purple box with light peeking in. I wanted to keep the colors strong and just went for it. Because the light was so cool, I decided to add TROxide for the darker shadow areas.

Used a piece of glass on the bottom for reflections which gave a bluish color to the area. Love doing reflections. This reflection is stronger than it maybe should be, but like the blue contrast with the reds and yellow in the apple. Also used the end of my paintbrush to scratch lines into the paint. No particular reason except to just act on the ideas that are spontaneously surfacing in this process.

I'd like to comment a bit further on this because it has been liberating. I haven't really tried to do a masterpiece on any of these small paintings, the only requirement is that I paint everyday and brainstorm ideas without any judgment. It's similar to how writers might get started. If you journal, this same process helps get all the crazy stuff out, and sometimes it allows some really good stuff to surface!! Really a fun and interesting way to work... try it!

Day 8

A pear day. Today's exercise was to use less saturated color everywhere except the main subject. Again with the reflection, and recording a simple impression of the pear.

Still just going with any thoughts and ideas that surfaced to see how much my subconscious was engaged. Same color palette and purple box, but as I mentioned was going for less saturated color.

Also tried another brand of round brush which seemed about the same as the other one, except it was more 'bendy' with longer hairs. And my usual bristle...

Day 9

Same apple (you can tell by the yellow spot), but with a plastic green bag used when it was purchased, and still setup in the same small purple box.

Worked on value, more than trying to match color for the surroundings. That plastic bag was no easy task with all the little facets. It would take considerably more time to get it more defined. Remember, I was not trying to get each little facet rendered, only the illusion, and only in about an hour's time. BTW, this poor apple is no longer edible! ;o(

Finally, what I can say about Prussian blue is it is beautiful and challenging to use, but worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. Your work is wonderful. Wish I could, but I cannot handle the strength of Prussian Blue. I have tried many a time. I truly admire your results.
