Saturday, January 24, 2015

30/30 Challenge - Value Study - Day 23

I believe a big part of learning to paint is also doing activities that help solve potential problems that we encounter when a master/mentor isn't available to give us feedback. It's what we call 'study', but we of course we must be able to recognize what we need to improve without just being critical of our work. Since I know I still have the challenge of nailing values in color when doing a mix, I chose to work on that today...

Day 23

This setup is pretty quirky, not meant to be beautiful in any way, and I almost never select items with hard edges because I don't have a real steady hand or good tool for defining them except for a palette knife. However, since I have these blocks left over from my granddaughter's stash, I just set them up and lit them from the side. The little squash is almost ready for the trash, and thought it would put strong contrast into the painting.

I chose a setup with five distinct colors of different values. Didn't use black and white for the paint, rather UMB and TOR and white to change values. This way I still have some sense of color as I mix a value range. Then for your convenience, I painted swatches of the local color/shadow color of each item in the setup.

This is the result... can you tell what color is what value?

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